I’ll get to that later: Using data-driven nudges to help students avoid procrastination in an asynchronous online course

Session Description
The rapid rise of online learning creates an imperative for course design strategies that support positive student outcomes. Students’ ability to self regulate academic behavior, such as goal-setting and time management, is important for both higher education and career success. It is particularly important in online courses where students lack feedback and are prone to procrastination.

This presentation will describe a proposed project to implement and study the impact of digital nudges on student self-regulatory behavior in an online course. Nudges are a tool that help individuals make decisions in their own best interest without coercion. A brief introduction to nudges will be provided followed by examples of the nudge types proposed to be incorporated into the course. The nudges will be delivered to students via the online course platform and through SMS text messages and will be designed to promote self-regulatory behaviors such as goal setting, time management, and self-reflection.

A brief overview will be given of the proposed study’s mixed-methods design. Instruments and data analysis will incorporate an interdisciplinary approach, measuring the influence and perception of digital nudges on student behavior, achievement and satisfaction in the course. In addition, the study will examine how student characteristics, such as ethnicity, procrastination profiles and cultural self-construals might mediate impacts and perceptions. Preliminary results from a pilot will be shared and a question and answer period will encourage session attendees to share their feedback and related experience.

Faye Furutomo
Faye Furutomo, University of Hawaii at Manoa, HI
Faye Furutomo is a project manager and designer, specializing in web development and instructional design projects. She has been with the UH Mānoa College of Education since 2008, serving as web designer and program manager for Distance Course Design & Consulting (DCDC), an award winning design and development team. She is also currently pursuing her PhD in Learning Design & Technology at UH Manoa. In addition, she earned her MBA from the Shidler College of Business, BA from Wheaton College in Illinois, BFA from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, a Certificate of Online Learning and Teaching (COLT) from the Learning Design & Technology department. Faye is interested in the fields of project management, leadership, strategic planning, design and is passionate about improving higher education for Hawaii’s current and future generations.
Ariana Eichelberger
Ariana Eichelberger, University of Hawaii at Manoa, HI
Dr. Ariana Eichelberger is an Associate Specialist and Instructional Designer in the College of Education. Eichelberger manages the Instructional Support Group of the College and coordinates the College’s faculty professional development program. As a faculty member of the Department of Learning Design and Technology, Eichelberger teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in instructional design and technology integration. She is also an instructional designer with the COE’s Distance Course Design and Consulting group (DCDC).
Daniel Hoffman
Daniel Hoffman, University of Hawaii at Manoa, HI
Dan Hoffman is an educator and researcher in the field of digital learning. His research focuses on the design of interactive experiences and their impact on learning and engagement. This interdisciplinary work takes place at the intersection of cognitive science, education and computer science. Seeing great potential in emerging human-computer interaction techniques, Dan studies interactivity and its ability to act as a conceptual and procedural scaffold in digital environments. In 2013, Dan earned his doctorate in Instructional Technology & Media from Teachers College, Columbia University. Before joining the Department of Learning Design & Technology at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, he worked as a Senior Education Analyst at Kamehameha Schools. His background includes classroom teaching, the New York City Teaching Fellows program, and designing software for Intel and the Games for Learning Institute. He was born in Vermont and enjoys building computers, watching movies, and listening to podcasts.
Session Type
20-Minute Session
All Audiences

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One Comment

  1. I really like the idea of nudges and appreciate the research being done. I do wonder what may happen to a student who only receives concerned nudges. Will these help or further stress out a student and at what point in a case like this do the nudges become nagging instead of helpful?

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