Session Description
Design thinking is a creative and human-centered process for solving complex challenges that has gained popularity in fields such as engineering, marketing, and education. The process is iterative and moves through stages of empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping and testing. The research question guided this study asked: how was creativity been experienced in each stage of the design thinking process in a design thinking workshop? The workshop was conducted using one of Stanford’s publicly available workshop activities called “Redesigning the classroom experience.” The guided activity walks students through the design thinking stages with the design challenge of reimaging a different classroom experience for a partner. The same workshop was conducted in December 2018 at two universities in Taiwan with four undergraduate business classes. A survey measuring creative personal identity (CPI) and creative self-efficacy (CSE) was administered and a total of 265 valid entries were collected. Statistical analysis will be conducted to answer the research question. Open-ended comments will also be synthesized to complement the quantitative data. Study limitations including the duration of the workshop (2 hours) and the method of data collection (experience sampling method) will be discussed.
Session Type
20-Minute Session
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