Farrington High School Faculty Resource Portal – Usability Study

Session Description
Many organizations use internet portals or intranets to unify update their employees with current up-to-date information and resources. Hawaii Department of Education (HIDOE) is moving towards digitizing many of their resources that were once in physical form (papers, brochures, attendance sheets etc.). Educators need support in finding these digital resources. Many of these digital resources are useful, but the links to them are hard to remember and type.

The purpose of this usability study was to create and evaluate the ease-of-use and navigation of Farrington High Schools Faculty Portal (https://www.farringtonhighschool.org/faculty/). This website is a portal with access to many of the DOE resources and Information that faculty at Farrington High School need to complete their duties. The portal was designed with modern website design principals as well as the Gestalt’s Principles of Universal Design. The website’s usability was judged using Nielson’s severity rating scale. The usability study recruited 15 participants (3 rounds of 5 participants) who judged the navigation and usability of the website based on various scenarios. Three rounds of usability testing were conducted. Participants filled out and completed a survey during the study. Results collected indicated positive user experiences and many of the data was used to improve on website iterations. We will further explain the approach to the usability study and its outcomes. We will look at the methodology, design techniques and strategies, results of the student and discuss the lessons learned from the study.

Joshua Dimaya
Joshua Dimaya, University of Hawaii at Manoa, HI
Joshua Dimaya grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii. Upon receiving his degree in Management Information Systems and Secondary Education at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, he has worked in the IT fields for 4 years before deciding into moving into the DOE. Joshua is a computer science teacher and tech coordinator at his alma mater. He credits his experience in the private field in helping to modernize the tools and technology structure available to students, educators and faculty at the school. He is always constantly looking into improving and evolving the technology infrastructure of the school. He is a second-year LTEC master’s student at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
Session Type
LTEC Session

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