Session Description
The traditional language learning in a classroom, from a teacher, through textbooks has stayed unchanged for many years. The recent generation students are already capable of searching for information and knowledge of what is suitable for their own needs. In this aspect, students’ learning will not be effective as the former generations learning. Remembering specific numbers in different events do not have the same validity as in the past. Rather it is important for the students to understand why and how different events around the world have caused an event to change or occur. In other words, students need to learn how to ask questions, research their inquires, collect data, critique and analyze the result to meet their needs. In this presentation, the presenter will introduce applying transmedia learning into classrooms and focus on what teachers should bring to classrooms rather than focusing on knowledge input. Especially in the light of language learning, students’ presentation of their information searching result will be presented to exemplify how transmedia learning can work in a classroom.
Session Type
Plenary Session
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